However, civilization, increased knowledge and awareness developed the human mind to a point where relationship, fairness and peace became necessary for survival. Consequently, nations and groups constantly legislate in regulation of behaviour for peaceful coexistence, wellbeing and prosperity and tend to depend less on the coercive force of exploitation mentioned earlier.
A lot of legislation has been credited to the wellbeing of women and in reversal of previously exploitative rules that inhibited women from thriving in many societies. In Nigeria, we have had to speak up against female genital mutilation, early marriage, girl child education and other rights such as right to inheritance, right to buy and own landed property and right to life as a widow. The Beijing platform has been of considerable benefit to women in many countries as the 150 nations that signed the agreement have in some ways shifted grounds since 1995. In Finland today a woman, Sanna Marin (34) is the Prime Minister, Li Andersson (32), is the Minister of Education, Katri Kulmuni (32) is the Minister of Finance and Maria Ohisalo (34) is the Minister of Internal Affairs. All the four of them are women. Indeed, they make up the youngest leadership in the world.
In Nigeria as in Africa, the journey has been slow in getting women into state leadership but quite progressive among the professions, in commerce and in the families. Women are leading in many professional bodies, such as ICAN, ANAN, NIM, NAPPS, and among Judges in the judiciary. Women are delving into occupations that were hitherto regarded as masculine domains. There are numerous female engineers, many female pilots, truck drivers, estate developers, manufacturers, actresses, soldiers, policewomen, masons, auto mechanics, cab drivers and builders. Many women have become breadwinners of their families. I have come across numerous heroic stories of the contribution of these courageous women to society. These stories we shall be documenting on this platform.
The dynamics of modern life requires that women look at the past only as a learning resource, put it far aside, and move on with the needed conviction and passion to attain their mission. Indeed, it is often in that deprived state that visions or missions of our lives crystallize. You just trudge along with the guts of the Mohicans till you stand on the peak. It is possible! All things are possible to those who believe in themselves. For all you need to succeed in life has been deposited in you by your Creator. Therefore, live from your inside out. Think, think, and think. Espouse solitude. Take retreats and hibernate at strategic times of decision making. You do not only work, you need to work smart! That is where strength lies plus you strive always to get knowledge and resolve to keep your momentum on. As you keep excelling, barriers are broken and gender inequality will become history.
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